The Comprehensive Guide to Roofing Terms and Jargon

Embarking on a roofing project, whether a simple repair or a comprehensive replacement, can often introduce homeowners to a myriad of specialized terms and jargon that can seem like an overwhelming new language.

The roofing field is full of specific terminologies that help identify a unique aspect or component vital for constructing and maintaining a robust roof. This comprehensive guide is designed to demystify the dense vocabulary of the roofing world, ensuring you're well-equipped with the knowledge to navigate through consultations, negotiations, and executions of roofing projects.

Let's dive in!

Basic Roofing Components

Roof Deck

The roof deck acts as the backbone of your roof, providing a stable base upon which all other components are installed. Positioned directly atop the structural trusses and joists, it's the foundation that supports the underlayment, shingles, or tiles while also safeguarding your home against external elements.


The underlayment is the protective layer fastened directly to the roof deck, which serves as a secondary barrier against moisture, wind, and other environmental factors. This element is crucial for preventing leaks and enhancing the overall waterproofing of the roofing structure.

Shingles and Tiles

Shingles and tiles constitute the outermost layer of a roof, directly exposed to the environment. Not only do they deliver an aesthetic appeal, but they also act as the primary defense against weather conditions like rain, hail, and UV rays.


Typically fashioned from metal strips, this component plays a vital role in preventing water infiltration at intersections and protrusions (like chimneys and vent pipes) on the roof. Flashing guides water away from these vulnerable areas, ensuring it doesn't permeate into the structure.

Roofing Styles

Gable Roof

Gable roofs are recognizable by their triangular shape, formed by two sloping sides connected by a ridge. Components include the ridge, eaves, and gable ends, offering various design possibilities such as the side, front, and cross gable variations. Gable roofs boast effective water and snow runoff, ample attic space, and ease of construction.

Hip Roof

Hip roofs boast four sloping sides that meet at a point at the top. With no gables and eaves on all sides, they present a symmetrical structure that's both stable and aesthetically pleasing. This style of roof provides exceptional stability against strong winds, as well as the possibility of additional living space.

Flat Roof

Flat roofs, as the name suggests, appear flat with a very slight pitch to facilitate water runoff. They're particularly common in industrial and modern residential architecture, providing an additional usable space. This roof style is also safer and easier to work on than sloped roofs.

Roofing Materials and Their Properties

Asphalt Shingles

One of the most prevalent roofing materials, asphalt shingles are celebrated for their affordability, ease of installation, and versatile design options. Comprising a fiberglass mat coated with asphalt and granules, they offer decent durability and a range of aesthetic choices, making them a favored selection among homeowners and builders alike.

Slate Roofing

Slate, a natural stone material, offers roofs a luxurious and timeless appeal. Types can be categorized based on origin (such as Spanish, Canadian, and Vermont slate), color, and size. Some of the benefits of slate include its incomparable lifespan, fire resistance, and eco-friendliness due to its natural composition.

Tile Roofing

Often crafted from clay, concrete, or sand cast, tile roofing is celebrated for its classic aesthetic and durability. This material is available in diverse shapes and colors, such as flat, curved, and interlocking. Tile roofing is favored for its longevity, fire safety, and wide range of styles.

EPDM Roofing

Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) roofing is a synthetic rubber material widely used on flat roofs. It can be installed fully adhered, mechanically attached, or ballasted, with the seams of the roofing system sealed with liquid adhesives or specially formulated tape.

Installation and Repair Terms

Roofing Nails and Fasteners

Roofing nails and fasteners are crucial for securing roofing materials firmly in place. They come in various types, such as:

  • Galvanized nails: Resistant to rust, offering outstanding durability.
  • Copper nails: Often used with copper roofing for compatibility and corrosion resistance.
  • Aluminum nails: Lightweight and ideal for metal roofing installations.

These fasteners are employed to secure shingles, underlayment, and other components, ensuring stability and longevity by preventing wind uplift and material shift.

Roof Valleys

This is the term used to describe where two roof slopes meet. Roof valleys are integral for effective water runoff, channeling rainwater and melting snow toward the gutters. There are different types of installation methods, but the most common is a closed valley, where shingles overlap and completely cover the valley.

Ice Dam

An ice dam refers to the accumulation of ice at the roof's edge that prevents melting snow from draining, which can cause water seepage beneath the shingles, leading to leaks and damage. Prevention strategies include improving attic insulation to prevent heat escape, installing heated cables, and utilizing roof rakes. Solutions may involve ice melt products and professional removal to avoid roof damage.

Reroofing vs. Roof Replacement

Reroofing involves layering new shingles over existing ones, providing enhanced protection without the need for a complete teardown. On the other hand, roof replacement entails removing the old roof and installing a new one, addressing any underlying issues.

Reroofing is often a viable option for roofs without pervasive damage, providing a cost-effective, less labor-intensive upgrade. Roof replacement becomes necessary when structural issues, extensive wear, or legal limitations (like maximum shingle layers) are present, ensuring a thorough rectification of all potential issues.

Keep Your Roofing Project Simple with Diamond Home Remodeling Inc.

The multifaceted world of roofing envelops a vast array of terms, materials, and methodologies, each bearing its own significance and application nuances. While we've only scratched the surface of all the roofing terms, we hope you found this blog post helpful.

As you traverse further into your roofing project, we hope this knowledge empowers your decisions, facilitates informed conversations with professionals, and ultimately leads to a successfully sheltered abode.

If you're looking for a roofing company that won't complicate the process with industry jargon, Diamond Home Remodeling Inc. is a fantastic resource. Phone us today at (410) 875-7229 and let our professional roofers explain everything to you in detail.